Sunday, March 16, 2014

Georgia Spartan Sprint! Memories and Advice!

    Hey everyone! I know I just shared some exciting news about the tanks and tees. Finishing up some things and I will be able to share more soon! I dropped the ball sharing with you guys my lastest fitness goal I accomplished last weekend. As some of you may know, one of my new year resolutions was to complete a spartan race. Well we can now check that off the list!! My son, who is now a proud six year old, got in on the fun too. There was a Spartan Jr. event of a choice between a 1/2 to 1 mile, and of course my son wanted to do the mile....3 times!! He was so excited and was such a good sport helping the other kids each time he did the course they gave him a medal for each mile. Proud momma right here! I have to give a HUGE thanks to my amazing mom who helped take care of my son while we completed our course.

    The adult race was 4.5 miles on hill and sometimes mountain like terrain, with 15 obstacles to challenge your body and mind even more. It was exciting and challenging...I even threw up! Sorry T.M.I. But it was because I am afraid of heights. After I climbed the side of a mountain that was draped with large nets, my body couldn't help but react at the top. But don't worry my hubs who was with me the entire way, pushed me to just keep running to the next obstacle. There was one other obstacle that challenged your wits if you are afraid of heights. As I climbed up the structure they had built, I thought okay I can do this...until I saw the small beams that connected it to the other side. It was safe but they mad an illusion you could fall through, as you look below. My hubs practically ran across with no effort. A fellow spartan saw my fear, grabbed my hand and said lets do this together. The community and since of brother/sisterhood is amazing. Everyone helping one another to reach the end and get the medal. A few of the obstacles consisted of climbing over walls, crawling through mud, or trying to pull/push a heavy object. And if you couldn't complete it... all hail the BURPEES at 30 a pop. Was unable to complete 3 of the 15 obstacles making me do a grand total of 90 burpees! On the first mile I lost the sole to my right shoe in the mud hills. This is where you slide into a mud pit filled with obiviously mud and ICE with a side of water! You then must use the ropes to climb up another mud hill to slide back into another muddy pit. There was 3 or 4 of these on this course. In the end we had a blast! Not the best time out there, but I have memories of team work with my husband, son and spartan family that will last a lifetime!

5 Things you MUST know before you do a Spartan Race:

1.  Clothing/Towels- Wear tight-fitted clothing what has some form of water resistance: this is so important. People lost articles of clothing because they were weighed down and just fell off. Make sure to bring comfortable clothing to change in after. They provide water hoses to rinse off.  You need to have multiple towels too. One to help get the mud off and then another clean one for after you are..."clean" or less muddy.

2. Wear comfortable yet disposable shoes- DO NOT wear brand new shoes that will get ruined and or just hurt your feet because they are not broken in yet. They have a wonderful charity that will super clean your muddy shoes and give to those less fortunate.

3. Water Stations- Don't think you are too "cool" to stop and get a sip of water at the stations provided. They are there for a reason. Especially now that we are approaching warmer seasons this is more important than ever.

4. Train!- I will say it AGAIN... TRAIN for the event. Sign up for the emails for daily workout routines you can do anywhere. Nothing worse than not being ready for something that challenging even for the most equipped spartan.

5. HAVE FUN!- Don't take the fun out of it if you can't complete an obstacle. Do those burpees and keep having fun to the end.  


  1. AWESOME job!!!!!! I may have to try a spartan sprint someday :)
