1. Spark- Instead of coffee or any other type of caffined beverage, I love my Spark by Advocare. I don't feel gittery, but it gives me the same engery that I was addicted to when I was obessed with drinking Monsters. My heart is thanking me.
2. Biotin- I haven't had the best hair and nails in the world since I had my son, so I love this supplement because it helps strengthen my nails and hair. One cool thing it also promotes fat and protein metabolism.
3. B-12- I have Chronic Anemia and keep low B-12 levels. There was a time I had to take shots once a week, prescribed by the doctor until we got it under control. So with that being said I take a B-12 vitamin to help keep my level at a normal state. B-12 is something that is found in most diet and pre-workout supplements. It helps promote weight loss and helps the nervous system work better. You can find them at any drug or super store. I don't have a certain brand I stick with, I generally pick on that is on sale at the time.
4. Iron- As I stated before due to my anemia, I also take an iron supplement to keep from needing shots at the doctors office. Please check with your doctor before getting on an iron supplement regiment.
( I take the numbered supplements above first thing in the morning with my Spark or my lemon water.)
5. O2 Gold- This is another Advocare product I am absolutely in love with. It enhances the body's use of oxygen as well as supporting muscle building and recovery. I take this an hour before a run or any cardio workout. I can tell the difference when I forget to take it.
6. Catalyst- This is has been one of my favorite game changers for me. I take this 15-20 mins before any workout. It supports muscle tone and enhances strength and energy.
7. Post- Workout Recovery- After an good workout, I drink a post workout protein shake. You can find many different kinds at GNC or even Walmart. What has honestly worked best for me is Advocare's Proformance Elite Post- Workout Recovery. By drinking a shake after your workout you are feeding your muscles the nutrition they need and will decrease soreness.
If you have any questions about the vitamins or supplements listed please email me or comment below. I am a distributor of Advocare because I just fell in love with the products unlike the ones I have used and tried before that I didn't like or rather my body didn't work well with. Remember to check with your doctor before getting on any supplements. I am not posting this in hopes to promotes sells but rather share what I love and works for me in my life. If you are interested in these or any other Advocare products, and don't have distributor near you I am more than happy to assist you. Here's my personal link if you want to look at any of the products not found in stores: http://advocare.com/130854966
There's another half of this week left! So if you haven't gotten active this week you still can! Don't wait till next Monday! Start being active and feeling better today! As always Enjoy Today and Happy Running!

I love my spark!!!!! I also take the catalyst. I haven't tried any of the elite performance products, thats next on my list to try :)